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Katrin Peo
Nov 28, 20234 min read
Unlocking gut health- the crucial role of stomach acid in digestion and wellness
Good health begins in the gut, and at the core of digestive well-being lies the often under-appreciated hero: stomach acid. While it...
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Katrin Peo
Jan 19, 20235 min read
Leaky gut and signs you might have it
Leaky gut is a topic that's truly one of the areas of my deep interest- how it can have short and long-term negative effects on our...
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Katrin Peo
Nov 13, 20204 min read
Skin issues- often the reflection of what's happening inside your body
When I grew up and had any skin issues, like pimples, eczema- I typically put on specifically indicated topical cream or over the...
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Katrin Peo
Oct 17, 20205 min read
Bee products- what you need to know to reap the benefits?
I grew up with bees during summers in my childhood, meaning my grandparents had 30 or so beehives, so I was very well aware of where the...
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Katrin Peo
Jul 12, 20204 min read
Your liver- why and how to take care of it?
Did you know that your liver is the largest solid internal organ in your body- about the size of a football and weighing between...
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