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Katrin Peo
Sep 18, 20203 min read
Dry-brushing- the daily habit to increase energy and reduce toxicity in your body
Dry-brushing is something I had for the first time done to me now some years ago in a spa in Estonia. The therapist brushed through the...
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Katrin Peo
Jul 12, 20204 min read
Your liver- why and how to take care of it?
Did you know that your liver is the largest solid internal organ in your body- about the size of a football and weighing between...
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Katrin Peo
Feb 5, 20204 min read
How do you know your body needs extra support with detox?
Depending where you live, what you eat or drink, what you put onto your body, the quality of the air you breath- your body could be...
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