A chilly autumn day equals for me with a soup or a slow cooked meal. I combined the two together in a meal, where I had some left-over slow cooked lamb from the weekend, to which my husband put a great deal of effort and love into making it and I had a Hokkaido pumpkin on the counter that was waiting to be cooked. Pumpkin and butternut are naturally sweet and highly nutritious orange foods, containing powerful antioxidants like alpha and beta-carotene and anti-inflammatory agents. A great meal for upset stomach or when you feel cold coming on. And since the Hokkaido pumpkin I had was quite big, I baked all the whole pumpkin and saved some baked pumpkin for the he next day for a nice pumpkin pie smoothie.

Creamy Hokkaido pumpkin soup
For 6 persons
1 Hokkaido pumpkin
4 garlic gloves with peel on
2 medium sized carrots, peeled and gut into slightly smaller pieces
1 onion, peeled and cut into quarters
0.5l-1l of bone broth (I used beef broth this time, but chicken broth is also great)
1,5 cup of coconut milk (make sure you buy organic, 100% coconut milk)
1tbsp of miso paste (I used this one- great to add in to different meals at the end)
1/2 tsp of cinnamon
1tsp of freshly squeezed lemon
1/2tsp of freshly grated organic lemon rind
Slow cooked lamb, cooked chicken or other meat (optional)
Preheat the oven to 190C (375F)- roasting function.
I don't peel the raw pumpkin, but cut it into 2cm or so chunks- as it's much easier to peel it after it's baked. I just remove the pumpkin seeds and flesh. I bake the pumpkin seeds together with the pumpkin pieces. You can use the pumpkin seeds later on for garnish. Put the cut pumpkin pieces on the pan and add carrots, garlic, onion. Sprinkle with a little bit of sea salt on top and drizzle some olive oil over the vegetables. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

Remove the vegetables from the oven, cool down slightly. Peel the pumpkin pieces, remove the flesh from the garlic pieces discarding the peels. Put all the vegetables into a high speed blender, add the bone broth, coconut milk, cinnamon, lemon zest, fresh lemon juice and miso paste. Blend until smooth.
You can reheat the soup on the stove if it's not warm enough to eat.
Pour the soup into bowls, add the meat pieces, garnish with parsley and serve.