I am always looking for options to broaden the healthy nutritious breakfast options for my family. And since pears are still in season and I happened to pick quite a few of them from our garden couple of days, I thought I'd try and make a pear bread using one of my banana bread recipe as a basis but making modifications to the recipe where needed. I do have times when my creativity around baking does not end with the result I expected, but this time I did not fail.

Pears have high amounts of fibre, vitamin C, vitamin K, copper, potassium, boron. They also contain antioxidants, especially in the skin- therefore I do not peel the pears when using them in food. If you have constipation, struggle with high cholesterol, you want to strengthen your heart health and nourish the skin.- then pears are a good addition to your diet.
Healthy gluten-free pear bread
Makes 10 thick slices
6 medium sized pears (use local organic or home grown if possible)
1/2 cup of butter
2 eggs
1 tbsp of honey (melt it in a very low temperature, (don't boil it)- to turn it into a liquid
1 cup of almond flour
1 cup of millet flour
1tsp of baking powder
1/4 tsp of baking soda
3/4 tsp of sea salt
1/2 cup of buttermilk
Squeeze of lemon
1/3 cup of mulberries (you can also use raisins)
Handful of pecan nuts, chopped
1tbsp of cocoa nibs (you can also omit if you don't like chocolate)
Pre-heat the oven to 180C degrees (350F).
Wash and grate the pears with skin on, discarding the inner part with seeds. If you don't have access to organic local pears, peel the pears. Save 2 pear for the top. Squeeze a little bit of lemon, to avoid the browning of the pears. Mix well.
In a separate bowl, cream the butter and add the melted honey. Then add in 2 eggs and mix thoroughly together.
In a separate bowl mix together almond flour, millet flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt.
Then pour the dry ingredients into wet ingredients.
Add in the buttermilk and finally chopped mulberries, chopped pecan nuts and cocoa nibs.
Grease your bread mold or pan and pour the mixture in there.
Gut the one pear you left for decoration into pieces and lay them on top of the batter.
Bake in the oven for 1h.

Remove from the oven, cool down, slice and enjoy on its own or top it with a tablespoon of greek yoghurt, coconut yoghurt. You can also add some berries, like raspberries, blueberries.